Most of us favor the comfort of conviction and avoid the discomfort of doubt. But today’s author invites us to let go of our firmly held beliefs and open up our minds through the process of unlearning rethinking. Join Joe & Mike as they embrace their own limitations and discover the joy in being wrong. […]
116: The Art of Witty Banter by Patrick King
Goodbye awkward silence, hello conversational agility! Today’s author promises to teach you how to think quickly on your feet, be incredibly smooth, funny, and clever – all at once. Join Joe & Mike as they embark on their journey to discover the art, nuance, and mechanics of banter and charm. Links Support the Show Keychron […]
115: A World Without Email by Cal Newport
The modern knowledge worker is engaged in a constant battle against the hyperactive hive mind. While we’ve become so accustomed to an inbox-driven workday that it’s hard to imagine alternatives, today’s author argues that they do in fact exist. Join Joe & Mike as they consider the possibility of a future without email. Links Support […]
114: Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke
Even great decisions don’t always yield the best outcomes every time. Today’s author (and former World Series of Poker champion turned business consultant) teaches us how to make better decisions by embracing the element of luck and simply considering the odds. Links Support the Show Obsidian Obsidian-Git plugin 1Writer Pretext Joe’s webinar w/ Emma Bogdan’s […]
113: The Great Mental Models Volume 1 by Rhiannon Beaubien and Shane Parrish
Mental models can help you make better decisions by changing how you see the world. In today’s book, Joe & Mike take a look at nine of the most versatile all-purpose mental models in an effort to make better decisions by seeing things more clearly. Links Support the Show Obsidian Obsidian-Git plugin Roam Research (ding?) […]
112: The Organised Writer by Antony Johnston
Writing is hard. But today’s author promises that if you take a weekend and set up the proper system, it can be made a lot easier. Join Joe & Mike as they consider what it means to be an organised writer. Links Support the Show NerdFitness Concept2 Model D Amazon Basics Kettlebell Iron Age Pullup […]
111: Discipline Equals Freedom by Jocko Willink
Many books promise to help you overcome obstacles and reach your goals. But it’s still up to you to take action – which is why they often don’t work. Today’s drill sergeant (er, author) put the the blame and power where it belongs – on you. Join & Mike as they report to boot camp […]
110: Lead Yourself First by Raymond Kethledge & Michael Erwin
Throughout history, leaders have used solitude to make better decisions. Today’s book shares firsthand historical accounts in an effort to show how solitude can help gain clarity, spur creativity, sustain emotional balance, and generate moral courage for when it matters most. Join Joe & Mike as they explore the topic of solitude and all of […]
109: Bowling Alone by Robert Putnam
How we socialize has changed significantly. Today’s author has studied American social behavior over the decades, and shows how our shrinking social captial poses a serious threat to our civic and personal health. Join Joe & Mike as they consider the ways in which we connect, the role of technology, and how we can build […]
108: The Practice by Seth Godin
Creating can be hard. But a consistent practice can make it easier. Today’s author insists that writer’s block is a myth, that consistency is far more important than authenticity, and that experiencing the imposter syndrome is a sign that you’re a well-adjusted human. Join Joe & Mike as they explore the creative process, getting unstuck, […]
107: The Motivation Code by Todd Henry
What drives us to unleash our best work? And how do we tap into that drive to get superior results? Today’s author explains how understanding our own motivational themes can help us have conversations, make decisions, and even choose better career paths. Join Joe & Mike as they attempt to understand what really makes them […]
106: Brain Wash by David & Austin Perlmutter
Today’s authors argue that our modern culture is rewiring our brains and damaging our health. But today’s book promises to give us the tools we need to think more clearly, make better decisions, strengthen bonds with others, and develop healthier habits. Join Joe & Mike as they attempt to overcome the mental hijacking that can […]
105: Shorter by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang
The traditional idea of success means being always-on, never saying no, and outworking your peers. But what if there was another way? Today’s author shares how entrepreneurs and leaders all over the world have figured out how to shrink the workweek without cutting salaries or sacrificing productivity. Join Joe & Mike as they explore the […]
104: The Minimalist Home by Joshua Becker
Today’s author takes us on a decluttering tour of our own houses and apartments, showing us how to decide what to get rid of and what to keep. Join Joe & Mike as they attempt to transform their homes into launching pads for a more fulfilling and productive life. Links Support the Show Bookworm 103: […]
103: How to Be Everything by Emilie Wapnick
If you dread answering the question “what do you do?” because you have trouble picking just one thing, you could be a multipotentialite. And you’re not alone. Today’s author says there’s nothing wrong with you if you too have difficulty picking one thing and sticking with it. Join Joe & Mike on their own multipotentialite […]
102: Pick Three by Randi Zuckerberg
In an increasingly demanding world, we’ve been told that we can do everything—maintain friendships, devote ourselves to work, spend time with family, stay fit, and get enough sleep. Today’s author encourages us to come to grips with the fact that we can’t do it all – at least not every day. Join Joe & Mike […]
101: Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss
Life is negotiation. And today’s author (& former FBI hostage negotiator) teaches us how to use tactical empathy so it can help us get more of what we want out of life. Join Joe & Mike as they seek to develop their own communication skills in hopes of getting better results. LinksSupport the Show Video […]
100: Ratings Adjustments & Trivia
After 100 episodes, Joe & Mike go back and fix a few of the ratings that don’t seem quite right. Mike also tests Joe knowledge recall with some impromptu Bookworm trivia.
99: The Motive by Patrick Lencioni
It’s time for another Patrick Lencioni leadership fable! Join Joe & Mike as they consider the responsibility of leadership, take a look at the five omissions of reward-centered leaders, and consider why they want to be leaders in the first place.
98: The Crossroads of Should and Must by Elle Luna
Do you view your work as a job, a career, or a calling? Today’s author argues that the most life-affirming thing you can do is to honor the voice inside that says your have something special to give, and encourages us all to heed the call and act. Join Joe & Mike as they explore […]
97: Reclaiming Conversation by Sherry Turkle
In our digital age, it’s easy to stay connected. Emails, text messages, and social media allow us to share snippets of our lives with others- without really having to look, listen, or reveal ourselves. Today’s author argues that we have lost the art of conversation, and makes the case that now, more than ever, is […]
96: Triggers by Marshall Goldsmith
Do you ever find yourself reacting to something, then immediately saying something like, “I can’t believe I just did that?” It may not be your fault – at least, not entirely. Join Joe & Mike as they take a look at the triggers in their own environments and consider how to overcome them – without […]
95: Stillness is the Key by Ryan Holiday
More than ever, people are overwhelmed. Today’s author argues that what we really need is stillness – the ability to be steady while the world spins around you. Join Joe & Mike on their own journeys to achieve self-mastery, discipline, and focus.
94: Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg
When it comes to change, tiny is mighty. Today’s author (who also happens to be the world’s leading expert on habit formation) shows us how we can have a happier, healthier life: by starting small. Join Joe & Mike as they dive back down the habits rabbit hole and examine how these little changes lead […]
93: Nudge by Richard Thaler
Whether it’s deciding what to eat for dinner or which investments to pick for our 401k, we humans have a track record of making poor choices. But is it really our fault? Today’s author argues that choice architecture is largely to blame, and explains how small nudges can help move us in a better direction. […]
92: The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll
Can pen & paper really cut it as a task manager in today’s fast-paced world? Today’s author makes a compelling argument that it can. Join Joe & Mike as they take a look at The Bullet Journal Method, and see if it’s enough to get these digital natives to get their heads out of their […]
91: The Antidote by Oliver Burkeman
If you find yourself repulsed by the blatant optimism espoused by most self-help gurus, then today’s book may just be a breath of fresh air for you. Join Joe & Mike as they consider stoicism, death, and the negative path to happiness.
90: Good to Great by Jim Collins
What makes a successful business tick? Today’s author shares the results from a five-year study that “fly in the face of our modern business culture and will, quite frankly, upset some people.” Join Joe & Mike as they discover why some companies make the leap – and others don’t.
89: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig
Today’s author takes us on a 17-day motorcycle ride from Minnesota to California. Join Joe and Mike on their journey to discover quality, truth, and what it means to get a real education.
88: It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work
Long hours, an excessive workload, and a lack of sleep have become a badge of honor for modern professionals. But the authors of today’s book argue that it’s actually a mark of stupidity. Join Joe & Mike as they examine what it means to run a calm company.
Author’s Corner: Nir Eyal
Nir Eyal joins us for our first author’s corner episode to talk about his book Indistractable, turning values into time, and building better relationships.
87: Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
What causes us to act the way we do? Today’s book offers a comprehensive look into the depths of behavioral science. Join Joe & Mike as they examine their own cognitive biases in an effort to understand why they have a tendency to make dumb decisions.
86: The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker
Today’s author argues that the lackluster and unproductive gatherings in our lives don’t have to be that way. Join Joe & Mike as they consider how to bring a more human-centered approach to gathering in an effort create meaningful, memorable experiences for everyone involved.
85: Making It All Work by David Allen
In today’s episode, Joe & Mike revisit the topic of Getting Things Done (GTD). Join them as they take a closer look at the mother of all productivity systems and discover all the things that they’re doing wrong.
84: Indistractable by Nir Eyal
In a world of distraction, focus is a superpower. In today’s book, Joe and Mike look at how to channel their attention in a quest to become indistractable.
83: The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek
How do we win a game that has no end? In today’s book, author Simon Sinek explains how an infinite mindset helps overcome the letdown that typically comes shortly after achieving a goal by commiting to a just cause that inspires us to show up day after day, week after week, and year after year.
82: Margin by Richard Swenson
Do you ever feel overhwelmed? Today’s book by Dr. Richard Swenson has the prescription for anyone who yearns for relief from the pressures of overload. Join Joe & Mike as they investigate the topic of margin, reevaluate their priorities, and attempt to simplify their lives.
81: You Are Awesome by Neil Pasricha
Bad things happen, but they don’t have to keep you realizing your dreams. Today’s author shares 9 secrets from his own experience of overcoming negative circumstances by changing his perspective. Join Joe and Mike as they examine the mindsets that make people like Neil so resilient, even in the face of personal tragedy and failure.
80: Principles by Ray Dalio
What does radical truth and radical transparency have to do with personal and professional success? Everything, argues today’s author. Join Joe & Mike as they dive deep on the systems and principles of life and business in their quest to understand the idea meritocracy.
79: SuperBetter by Jane McGonigal
Reality is broken. In today’s book, author Jane McGonigal attempts a fix by applying a gameful approach to personal growth. Join Mike & Joe as they examine the idea that playing games can make us better.
78: Ultralearning by Scott Young
Lifelong learning is a noble goal – but is ultralearning really the best approach? Today’s book aims to help you achieve your goals faster, future-proof your career, and maximize your competitive advantage. Join Joe & Mike as they unpack the principles the author promises can help you learn anything deeply and quickly, without teachers or […]
77: Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull
Pixar has inspired the creative world for over 20 years with iconic films like Toy Story, The Incredibles, and WALL-E, just to name a few. Today’s book gives us an inside look at the meetings, postmortems, and Braintrust sessions that have produced some of the most successful animated films in history. Join Joe & Mike […]
76: Range by David Epstein
We’ve all heard stories of famous people who knew what they were born to do from a young age. But should we really be trying to follow in their narrow-focused footsteps? Today’s author challenges the traditional idea that 10,000 hours of deliberate practice is what it takes to become an expert, explains why specializing early […]
75: Getting Results the Agile Way by J.D. Meier
Lots of books teach systems to help you achieve more, but the problem is that they are usually very strict and rigid. Today’s book promises to deliver a simple system that is flexible and adaptable so you can change course as needed without sacrificing meaningful results.
74: The Second Mountain by David Brooks
In today’s book, Joe and Mike embark on a journey from self-centered individualism to others-centered relationalism in pursuit of discovering just what exactly a life worth living looks like. Join these fellow travelers on their quest for a moral life as they examine the 4 commitments that today’s author uses to define a life of […]
73: The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss
Today’s book promises to help you escape the 9-5, live anywhere, and join the new rich. But is it really that simple? Join Joe & Mike as they examine what a millionarie lifestyle looks like (with or without the millions) and unpack the concept of lifestyle design in creating a life worth living.
72: Make Time by Jake Knapp & John Zeratsky
True productivity is not about crushing your to-do list or optimizing every hour – it’s about intentionalliy focusing on what really matters. Join Joe & Mike as they rethink their own defaults, drain the infinity pools, and make time for the things that are truly important.
71: Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
For many writers, few things are as intimidating as staring at a blank page – but it doesn’t have to be this way. If you’re looking for some solid writing advice, today’s book is for you. Join Joe & Mike as they confront perfectionism, shine the light on the monsters within, learn to quiet the […]
70: Free to Focus by Michael Hyatt
A system to help you achieve more *and* do less? It may sound too good to be true, but that’s exactly what today’s book promises to deliver. Join Joe & Mike as they take a closer look at Michael Hyatt’s approach to the topic of focus.
69: Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
It can be difficult to measure, but the topic of emotional intelligence is a worthwhile study for anyone with a desire to reach their full potential. In today’s episode, Joe & Mike take a deep look at a different way to be smart.