Joe gets too much email, Mike thinks he should hide his email address, and they both have an interest in saying “no” more often.
Archives for July 2016
4: The Obstacle Is The Way by Ryan Holiday
We all deal with something painful in our lives. And although they are hard to talk about, it’s these obstacles that strengthen us for the future.
3: The War Of Art by Steven Pressfield
Whether it’s writing or building a business, we all struggle to put in the work to create. Mike and Joe discuss going pro with their art and overcoming resistance.
2: The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal
Whether it’s overcoming an addiction to email or sticking to a diet, The Willpower Instinct is excellent at helping you develop the self-control to accomplish your goals.
1: Getting Things Done by David Allen
Welcome to Bookworm! To kick things off, we’ve reread a book we both rely on heavily in our lives, Getting Things Done by David Allen. This is the best discussion either of us have had about GTD in a long time.