When it comes to change, tiny is mighty. Today’s author (who also happens to be the world’s leading expert on habit formation) shows us how we can have a happier, healthier life: by starting small. Join Joe & Mike as they dive back down the habits rabbit hole and examine how these little changes lead […]
Archives for May 2020
93: Nudge by Richard Thaler
Whether it’s deciding what to eat for dinner or which investments to pick for our 401k, we humans have a track record of making poor choices. But is it really our fault? Today’s author argues that choice architecture is largely to blame, and explains how small nudges can help move us in a better direction. […]
92: The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll
Can pen & paper really cut it as a task manager in today’s fast-paced world? Today’s author makes a compelling argument that it can. Join Joe & Mike as they take a look at The Bullet Journal Method, and see if it’s enough to get these digital natives to get their heads out of their […]