It’s been said that for a writer, nothing is as intimidating as a blank page. But the author of today’s book says that doesn’t have to be the case. Join Joe & Mike as they look at how to take better notes and automate the writing process.
67: Quiet by Susan Cain
The rise of the Extroverted Ideal has led to a world that can’t stop talking. But where does that leave you if you find groups exhausting or prefer to work alone? Join Joe & Mike as they discover the soft power introverts possess and why understanding it is so important.
66: Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink & Leif Babin
We can’t control everything that happens to us, but how might our lives look different if we assumed ownership for them anyway? That’s the topic Joe & Mike examine in today’s book. Tune in to find out why “responsibility” is not a dirty word.
65: Drunk Tank Pink by Adam Alter
Our environment shapes our thoughts and actions in myriad ways, without our permission or even our knowledge. In today’s episode, Joe & Mike discover the subtle but substantial ways in which outside forces influence our everyday behavior.
64: Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport
Few things have impacted our everyday lives as much as the smartphone. In today’s episode, Joe & Mike discuss the fallout from our digital addictions and contemplate Cal Newport’s radical approach as a potential cure in the war for our attention.
63: Atomic Habits by James Clear
Can small habits really transform your life and deliver amazing results? Author James Clear believes they can. In today’s episode, Joe and Mike revisit a familiar topic to tackle one of Bookworm’s most requested books and see if it lives up to the hype.
62: The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin
Have you ever struggled to achieve a goal, even though you were fully committed to and believed in it? Today’s book gives you a simple framework to help you understand why. Join Joe & Mike as they try to understand themselves a little bit better.
61: Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
Your brain is an incredibly powerful computer, rapidly processing information to help you make better decisions – except when it doesn’t. Should you really trust your first impressions? Join Joe & Mike as they dive into the world of rapid cognition and thinking without thinking.
60: The One Thing by Gary Keller & Jay Papasan
Is it true that less is more? When it comes to goal achievement, Gary Keller & Jay Papasan say, “Aboslutely!” In today’s episode, Joe & Mike dive into the surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results to see if the answer really is that profound or if Mike is just remembering one of his favorite books […]
59: Being Mortal by Atul Gawande
No matter how careful we are or how healthy our habits, one day we will all die. In this episode, Joe & Mike tackle their most uncomfortable topic yet as they consider how to bring meaning and purpose to end of life care.
58: Scrum by Jeff & J.J. Sutherland
Is Scrum really the magical project finishing formula that author Jeff Sutherland says it is? Joe & Mike share their own Scrum stories and point out the pitfalls in this episode covering Bookworm’s most requested book.
57: Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely
When it comes to making decisions, we like to think we’re capable of making smart, rational choices. But are we? Tune in to find out why Dan Ariely believe our irrational behavior is completely predictable – and what you can do about it.
56: Hyperfocus by (and with) Chris Bailey
Focus is a hot topic, but there’s more to it then just turning off Twitter and blocking out distractions. Today’s book shows us how to manage our focus, helps us understand how it works, and shows us how to recharge it when it gets low. Author Chris Bailey joins us at the end to talk […]
55: The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor
Happy people are productive people, but can you really choose to be happy? Things may not always happen for the best, but in today’s episode Mike & Joe figure out how and why some people are able to make the best of the things that happen.
54: Work Clean by Dan Charnas
Can the world of professional chefs teach us anything about productivity? Joe and Mike seem to agree with Dan Charnas and say, yes. Mis-en-place!
53: Boundaries by Henry Cloud
Should you set limits on what you’ll do with and for other people? And if so, what should those lines be? And do those limits have a place in the church?
52: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
Up to 40% of our daily actions are influenced by our habits, but how do you actually influence them? In this episode, Joe & Mike dive into The Power of Habit and discover the secret to lasting positive change.
51: Great at Work by Morten Hansen
There is a myth in the workplace that says we need to work longer hours to achieve more and do so with higher quality. But this is purely a myth and there’s a lot of science to prove it.
50: 2018 Bookworm Draft
If you listen to Bookworm as a way to filter your book list, then this episode will blow your mind. Joe and Mike pick their top ten books draft-style. They’re not necessarily Bookworm books either. Also included: a special surprise.
49: Peak by Anders Ericsson
What does it take to become the best? And what do the world’s greatest do that puts them at the top? And how does that translate into our day to day lives?
48: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
It’s time for another classic that both Mike and Joe are a bit embarrassed they haven’t read previously. And it turns out to be a book where the title doesn’t do it justice.
47: The Three Big Questions for a Frantic Family by Patrick Lencioni
Should you think about your family in the same way you think about an organization? And what are the ramifications of the answer to that question?
46: Busy by Tony Crabbe
Don’t have time to read books? Then listen to this! Joe and Mike jump into the topic of a busy culture and what we can do about it.
45: What’s Best Next by Matt Perman
What does the Bible say about productivity? And how does this book compare to other productivity books?
44: Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl
Knowing your purpose and finding meaning in life can save your life. This episode covers the challenging topic of World War II and escaping concentration camps alive.
43: Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Mike and Joe have mentioned Mihaly way too often. So it’s about time they covered his book and discussed it directly.
42: How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler
It’s finally here. An episode about how to read a book. And what better way to cover the topic than to read a book about it.
41: 168 Hours by Laura Vanderkam
Where does your time go? And do you actually spend it where you think you do? These are tough questions when you dive into it, which is exactly what Mike and Joe do.
40: The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
Morning Pages has been an intriguing concept to both Mike and Joe. So they finally jump into the source of the practice. There’s a time commitment involved but they both seem okay with that.
39: The 4 Disciplines of Execution by Chris McChesney, Jim Huling, Sean Covey
This round we learn why Mike doesn’t care for this book. Joe picked it only because it’s been popular and it was a listener recommendation. But that doesn’t affect their ratings at all.
38: Mindset by Carol Dweck
Your mindset can change how you respond to pretty much everything. The question is whether or not yours is a good one or a bad one. But there are also ways to change them, which is what Mike and Joe go over this week.
37: Antifragile by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Is it possible that attempting to break a thing can make it genuinely stronger? Also, Mike is back on OmniFocus. Who knew?
36: Paid to Think by David Goldsmith
It's time to tackle our latest textbook. It was a listener recommendation and has a lot to talk about. So we're glad this episode didn't end up being 5 hours long.
35: The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer
Mike has a bone to pick with Joe on this one. Let's just say this was a very fun, passionate conversation about a book that turned out to be much different than expected.
34: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
This week Mike and Joe talk about money. And they talk about thinking about attracting money. We know. Complicated. But it rates well.
33: The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant by Terry Felber
This show comes with a disclaimer as Mike and Joe talk about faith, the church, and business. There are fine lines and lots of opinions on all of these.
32: The Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli
This week Mike and Joe talk about the cognitive biases that they struggle with and the ones they are fascinated by. And it seems there are a lot of these. So picking a few is not as easy as it sounds.
31: The Power of a Positive No by William Ury
Saying No. It’s something neither Mike nor Joe enjoy doing but know they need to embrace. The question is whether or not they can bring themselves to do it.
30: The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni (with Josh Rensch)
This round Mike and Joe are joined by Joe’s other podcast co-host, Josh Rensch, to discuss the challenging dysfunctions that teams can be plagued by. It turns out that Josh has a rough backstory about his introduction to this book.
29: The Go-Getter by Peter Kyne
Going after a task with unending motivation. This is something a go-getter has and that Joe and Mike struggled with.
28: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
It’s time for a classic that both Mike and Joe have failed to read until now. But they have completed their duty and are no longer in the dark.
27: Out of Our Minds by Ken Robinson
How do you be creative and does the traditional school system train creativity out of our kids? These are hard questions but this week Joe and Mike explore them.
26: The Sleep Revolution by Arianna Huffington
Sleep. A lot goes on when we’re not awake. This round Mike and Joe go through their experiences and struggles with getting rest.
25: Grit by Angela Duckworth
Powering through things we don’t want to do. That’s what Angela Duckworth helps us do with this week’s book, Grit.
24: Step by Chris Capehart (with Chris Capehart)
This week we’re joined by the author himself, Chris Capehart, to discuss his book Step and the impact a single action forward can have on your dreams.
23: Rhinoceros Success by Scott Alexander
Let’s be rhinos! It’s an interesting concept and this round Mike and Joe discuss the implications of becoming a 6,000 lb rhinoceros.
22: The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone (with Shawn Blanc)
This round Mike and Joe are joined by Shawn Blanc to talk about taking massive action with The 10X Rule.
21: The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman
Let’s get an MBA (unofficial) without the big price tag. There are a lot of gems here but the format got under Joe’s skin.
20: Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson
Mike dives head-first into the world of internet-connected light-bulbs. Joe doesn’t get it. And yet they both explore the world of moving cheese together.
19: The Shallows by Nicholas Carr
Does the use of internet devices change our brains? And if so, is it worth doing anything about? It’s a tough topic but Mike and Joe work their way through it.